Am 29.08. gehts wieder los, wir starten in die Vorbereitungen für die #Saison2017!
Beginnen möchten wir mit einer persönlichen Ansprach unseres Head Coaches Clinton Morris:
“Hello my name is Clinton Morris and I am the head coach of the Augsburg Raptors. I would like to invite everyone interested in learning how to play American football or if you already have experience and looking for a team and club that’s on the way up – The Augsburg #Raptors is that team. Now is the best time to start or to change, take the #opportunity! We will have our first meet and greet & practice on 29.08.2016 19:00 Uhr at the Raptors Field at the #TSG Augsburg, (Schillstr. 109, 86169 Augsburg). Everyone is welcome. If you have played another sport or just moved to #AugsburgArea or you are not happy with the team you play for – our team is for you. I look forward to see many old and new faces, and together with you to prepare a motivated and strong team for the 2017 season.”