News Seniors

Raptors gewinnen zuhause 33:06 gegen die Munisier

Am vergangen Samstag startete die Heimspielsaison der Raptors Seniors zu Gast waren die Munisier aus Traunreut.
Die aktuell auf Platz 2 der Landesliga Süd stehenden Raubsaurier dominierten vor der heimischen Kulisse mit Rund 150 Zuschauern das gesamte Spiel über. So gingen die Seniors frühzeitig durch einen Touchdown von Jason Bertrand in Führung gehen. Die Defense ließ erneut keine Punkte zu, so konnten die Gäste lediglich durch einen Fehler der Offense einen abgefangenen Pass in die Endzone tragen. Max Wenz war der Star des Tages, er erreichte insgesamt dreimal die Endzone durch gefangene Pässe. Runningback Lucas Straub konnte ebenfalls mit einem Lauf die Endzone der Gäste erreichen und letztendlich zum Endergebnis von 33:06 beitragen

„We’re happy here in Augsburg, the system is working well, our players are having a great time and its simply fun football to watch. Defense had a really good day, had a shut out performance, zero points. In the last three games our defense has not allowed more the 21 points, the rest were either special team errors and one pic six, so I truly believe we have one of the best if not the best defense in the league.

I’m very happy to see us executing in the red zone this game. Our game plan worked out well, although we struggled in the second quarter, making some tactical and mental errors on the o-line. Even though our boys made the appropriate adjustments and finished strong, this is something we will be focusing on during the week. It’s clear we’re still not firing on all cylinders; we have yet to play our best football, but I’m very pleased with the overall performance and success of the team thus far.

I’m very pleased we had no injuries this game, that’s always at the top of my goal card. The last three games we were also playing without several of our starters, two of which should be back on the offense this week, giving us some extra fire power. Our QB Jason Bertrand played an excellent game, once again taking home the Offensive MVP Award. Having said that, we believe great players are a product of the players surrounding them. Max Wenz is a perfect example; he played outstanding iron man football on Saturday and takes home our Play Maker Award, with 3 TD’s and a great defensive effort. Our middle linebacker Eric Ozofor is this week’s Defensive MVP, leading the defense to their first perfect game. It’s still only the beginning, still lots to do, so back to the film room and focus on Rosenheim . –“Stay Humble. Stay Hungry. Stay Healthy .” Coach Johnson

Das nächste Heimspiel der Raptors findet am 10.05.2015 um 14:00 Uhr auf dem Sportplatz der TSG Augsburg, Schillstr. 109, 86169 Augsburg statt.


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